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Raising awareness about marine values

Sea on Screen - interactive website giving comprehensive information about marine biodiversity values.

Videos with explanations about different marine species in the first marine protected area of Canada (Race Rocks MPA)

Ecomare - the center for Wadden and North Sea on Texel, Netherlands

Information about the Baltic Sea provided by Finnish Institute of Marine Research, Finnish Regional Environment Centres and Finnish Environment Institute.

Joint Nature Conservation Committee provides information about marine protected sites, marine species and habitats, projects and reports.

State authorities in the Baltic States

State Nature Conservation Centre – a governmental institution subordinated to the Ministry of the Environment dealing with management of protected areas in Estonia.

State Service of Protected Areas in Lithuania
- a central coordinating institution, which is coordinating management of protected areas system in Lithuania

Lithuanian Ministry of Environment

Latvian Ministry of Environment

Estonian Ministry of Environment
Funding mechanisms

LIFE, the Financial Instrument for the Environment - introduced in 1992, is one of the spearheads of the European Union's environmental policy.
International Organisations

Helsinki Commission – Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. The official homepage of ICES that coordinates and promotes marine research in the North Atlantic, including the Baltic Sea.
Scientific and Research Institutions

Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu – the leading institution for marine research in Estonia.

Estonian Environment Information Centre - a governmental institution subordinated to the Ministry of the Environment dealing with collecting, analysing, processing and providing environmental information and data.

Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University

Coastal Research and Planning Institute of KlaipÄ—da University, Lithuania

Center of Marine Research in Lithuania

Wageningen IMARES - the Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies – specializes in strategic and applied marine ecological research.

Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
- the official site.

Institute of Applied Ecology Ltd in Germany. The official website

Baltic Environmental Forum - The BEF was founded by the Baltic Ministries of Environment, Germany and the European Commission as a technical assistance project aiming at strengthening the co-operation among the Baltic environmental authorities.

Estonian Ornithological Society – a non-governmental organisation dealing with conservation, study and propagation of Estonian birds, partner of BirdLife International in Estonia.

World Wildlife Fund - activities related to marine issues.

Coalition Clean Baltic – association of environmental NGOs from the countries of the Baltic Sea Region with the aim to cooperate in activities concerning protection and improvement  of the Baltic Sea environment and natural recources.
Ongoing marine projects and other relevant links

Information about Estonian nature including the Baltic Sea.

Information about Väinameri project in Estonia (2000-2003, financed by WWF and Sida)

Estonian Nature Information System is a central national database that includes data about protected areas, habitats, species, waterbodies and relevant legislative acts in Estonia.

A monthly information service on the planning and management of marine protected areas around the world.

Information about European Symposium on Marine Protected Areas as a Tool for Fisheries Management and Ecosystem Conservation taking place on 25-28 September 2007 in Murcia, Spain

The home page of the PROTECT project, which aim is to provide policy advice and develop methodologies to assess the potential of different Marine Protected Area (MPA) management regimes. The project is financed by EU 6th Framework Programme.

The home page of the EMPAFISH project (“Marine Protected Areas as tools for Fisheries management and conservation”), which is investigating the potential of different regimes of MPA, developing quantitative methods to assess the effects of MPA and developing a set of integrated measures and policy proposals for the implementation of MPAs as fisheries and ecosystem management tools. The project is financed by EU 6th Framework Programme.

Information about National Marine Sanctuaries of the United States, including photos, videos, biological information about more than 100 marine species.

European Oiled Wildlife Response Planning
- a developing website which contains a lot of information gathered concerning oil spills and oiled wildlife

United Nations Atlas of the Oceans
- a lot of  comprehensive information

Natura 2000 management and conservation on Lithuanian coast - website of LIFE-Nature projec acting on Lithuanian marine coast, dealing with management of coastal habitats.
BEF Life Natura