In frame of the action three national GIS (Geographical Information System) databases will be created containing all results from inventories and other project activities that can be processed in GIS (i.e. can be linked to the geographical location). However, all three national databases have the common structure, so it is possible to join them into one master database if needed or produce common maps of Estonian-Latvian or Latvian-Lithuanian transboundary sites. The databases will be handed over to the Baltic Ministries of Environment or their subordinated competent authorities for further use. The comprehensive GIS databases will allow the Ministries of Environment to complete Natura 2000 data forms about project areas and to undertake adequate marine site selection, designation, protection, management and monitoring.
After the data gathering phase secondary data and maps will be generated according to the needs of other project activities. The data in GIS format will allow a wide variety of analyses and applications, such as identifying especially valuable and/or sensitive marine areas, zoning for protection rules and management plans, research on species and habitats and their interactions etc. GIS database will be used also for producing illustrative maps for presenting the project results. For each project area, high resolution digital maps (1:10 000 at coast, 1:50 000 offshore) will be produced that will show all relevant geographical and biological parameters, suggested or existing Natura 2000 site boundaries, localized threats, zones for protection regimes and management measures.